Tag: Capital Gains Tax
Travel claims, but no allowance?
For commission-earners and the self-employed, the rules are slightly different—but travel costs can be claimed. The common mistake that I make when writing articles about travel allowances is that I tend to forget that not all of us are ‘wage slaves’. Indeed, there are many taxpayers for whom the saying, “If a man will not…
Ceasing tax residency: Changes on the horizon for interest and capital gains
Section 9H of the Income Tax Act provides that a natural person’s year of assessment is deemed to have ended on the date immediately before the day on which that person ceased to be a resident for South African tax purposes. Furthermore, that person’s subsequent tax year is deemed to commence on the day that…
Deducting bond interest when using an access bond facility
You can use a loan re-advance against your house to purchase a rental property, and get the interest allowed as a tax deduction – it just needs to be structured properly One of the questions most frequently asked is whether interest on a bond raised to purchase a rental property is deductible against the rent…
Capital Gains Tax exit charge
In terms of section 1 of the Income Tax Act a natural person will be a “resident” for tax purposes if that person is ordinarily resident in the Republic of South Africa (“the Republic”). Persons who are not at any time during the relevant year of assessment ordinarily resident in the Republic, will also qualify…
Treasury moves to close CGT avoidance loophole through share buybacks
Where one company previously sought to dispose of its shares in another company, it was able to do so without incurring an exposure for capital gains tax (“CGT”) or dividends tax, if that disposal were structured as an issue of shares by the target company to the “purchaser”, followed by a corresponding buyback of shares…
Capital Gains Tax and the sale of a property
Capital Gains Tax was introduced on 1 October 2001. Capital Gains Tax is payable on the profit a seller makes when disposing of his property. What is meant by Capital Gain? A person’s capital gain on an asset disposed of is the amount by which the proceeds exceed the base cost of that asset. What…