Category: Newtons
Directors’ liabilities: No room for delinquent directors in the new companies act
In previous issues, we have spoken about the increased liabilities placed on directors by the new Companies Act (the Act). The Act is a balancing piece of legislation and allows increased directors’ powers compared to the 1973 Companies Act. With this increased power there comes an increase in responsibility and a consequent increase in liabilities…
Adopting a Memorandum of Incorporation as required by the Companies Act No 71 of 2008
All companies that existed prior to 1 May 2011 are required to Amend their Memorandum and Articles of Association or adopt a completely new ” Memorandum of Incorporation ” (MOI ) to remove any contraventions and/ or inconsistencies with the new Act . Companies have until 30 April 2013 to meet this requirement. The MOI shall…
Newtons appoints new partner
Lucha Greyling made history at Newtons by being the first female partner to ever be appointed in the company’s 100 year existence. Lucha started her career as a tax inspector at the Inland Revenue Department of New Zealand (1997 – 1998) during which time she completed the taxation module of the graduate program at the…