I recently dreamt that I was at a conference and the topic was
Now that is obviously NONSENSE but let us consider it for a moment.
- The single biggest cost of some businesses is employee costs
- You cannot do all the work yourself
- Your quality of service is often dependent on the service levels of your employees
- Service includes sales, administration, security, etc
One of the old wise business adages is to surround yourself with quality people – they will make you look good. Indeed most businesses can only flourish if the correct people are employed.
One must therefore consider changing the thought pattern of not regarding employee costs only as expenses but rather that this is your largest asset.
Assets are maintained, insured, protected and given a lot of TLC.
The same should be done with potentially your biggest asset by:
- Proper communication
- Respect
- Training
- Complimenting
Money is not necessarily the main driver of human beings. In terms of “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs” as set out below Self Actualization and Esteem Needs far outweigh Physiological Needs.
This is FOOD for THOUGHT so EAT DRINK AND BE MERRY and have a WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS filled with FUN and JOY !!!!!!!
From Cedric Schalk Wayne Lucha
And all the managers and staff of NEWTONS
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